Screen with code

Hi, I am Madalina, a software engineer.


Mapty App screenshot

An interactive web application designed to track and log workouts using geolocation and map functionalities. The app allows users to add details about their activities (such as running or cycling) and visualize their workout locations on an interactive map. This project highlights working with third-party APIs, user input handling, and dynamic UI updates.

Bankist Website screenshot

A modern, responsive landing page designed for a fictional bank, showcasing sleek design and advanced front-end development techniques. This project demonstrates a focus on clean, minimalistic UI/UX design, smooth animations, and interactivity, providing an excellent user experience.

bankist app screenshot

Developed a banking application that supports user transfers, loan applications, account closures, and transaction history viewing. (login: username1: js - password1: 1111, username2: jd - password2: 2222)

Pig game screenshot

Created a two-player game where players roll dice to accumulate points, with strategically holding the points and the first to reach 100 points wins. Rolling a 1 switches the turn to the other player.

Guess my number game screenshot

A number guessing game where users try to guess a number between 1 and 20, with feedback provided for higher or lower guesses, and a high score tracker.

Omnifood website

Built a food service website that allows users to subscribe to meal deliveries, view menu options, and manage subscriptions.